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Server-based Real-Time Ethernet
Communication Architecture
for Cyber-Physical Systems
Conference Publications

Ricardo Sousa, Paulo Pedreiras, Pedro Gonçalves
"Enabling IIoT IP backbones with real-time guarantees"
20th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology & Factory Automation (ETFA 2015),
September 8-11, 2015, Luxembourg
Ricardo Garibay-Martinez, Geoffrey Nelissen, Luis Lino Ferreira, Paulo Pedereiras and Luis Miguel Pinho
"Holistic Analysis for Fork-Join Distributed Tasks supported by the FTT-SE Protocol"
Proceedings of 11th IEEE World conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2015),
May 27-29, 2015, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
Luis Almeida, Moris Behnam, Paulo Pedreiras
"Managing end-to-end resource reservations"
7th International Workshop on Compositional Theory and Technology for Real-Time Embedded Systems(Co-located with RTSS 2014),
December 2, 2014, Rome, Italy
Luis Silva, Mohammad Ashjaei, Paulo Pedreiras, Moris Behnam, R. J. Bril, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
"Demonstrating the Multi-Hop Capabilities of the HaRTES Real-Time Ethernet Switch"
Open Demo Session of Real-Time Systems of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS2014),
December 2, 2014, Rome, Italy
Sinisa Derasevic, Julián Proenza Arenas, Manuel Alejandro Barranco González
"Using FTT-Ethernet for the coordinated dispatching of tasks and messages for node replication"
In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2014),
September 16-19, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Sinisa Derasevic, Manuel Alejandro Barranco González, Julián Proenza Arenas
"Appropriate consistent replicated voting for increased reliability in a node replication scheme over FTT"
In Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2014),
September 16-19, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Luis Marques, Veronica Vasconcelos, Paulo Pedreiras, Luis Almeida
"Comparing Scheduling Policies for a Message Transient Error Recovery Server in a Time-Triggered Setting"
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology & Factory Automation, Work-In-Progess Session (ETFA14 WiP),
September 16-19, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Mohammad Ashjaei, Paulo Pedreiras, Moris Behnam, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
"Evaluation of Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multi-Hop Switched Ethernet Networks"
IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology & Factory Automation, Work-In-Progess Session (ETFA14 WiP),
September 16-19, 2014, Barcelona, Spain
Mohammad Ashjaei, Moris Behnam, Paulo Pedreiras, R. J. Bril, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
"Reduced Buffering Solution for Multi-Hop HaRTES Switched Ethernet Networks"
IEEE 20th International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA),
August 20-22, 2014, Chongqing, China
Mohammad Ashjaei, Paulo Pedreiras, Moris Behnam, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
"Dynamic Reconfiguration in Multi-Hop Switched Ethernet Networks"
6th Workshop on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Embedded Systems, part of CPSweek 2014,
April 14-17, 2014, Berlin, Germany
Mohammad Ashjaei, Paulo Pedreiras, Moris Behnam , R. J. Bril, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
"Response Time Analysis of Multi-Hop HaRTES Ethernet Switch Networks"
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2014),
May 5-7, 2014, Tolouse, France
Milton Cunguara, Tomas Silva, Paulo Pedreiras
"A Novel Dynamical Approach to (m,k)-firm Scheduling"
Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2014),
May 5-7, 2014, Tolouse, France
Mohammad Ashjaei, Paulo Pedreiras , Moris Behnam, Luis Almeida, Thomas Nolte
"Supporting Multi-Hop Communications with HaRTES Ethernet Switches"
34th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS 2013) Work-in-Progress (WIP) session,
December 3-6, 2013, Vancouver, Canada
David Gessner, Julián Proenza, Manuel Barranco, Luis Almeida
"Towards a Flexible Time-Triggered Replicated Star for Ethernet"
18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA' 2013),
September 10-13, 2013, Cagliari, Italy
Guillermo Rodriguez-Navas, Julián Proenza
"A proposal for Flexible, Real-Time and Consistent Multicast in FTT/HaRTES Switched Ethernet"
18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA' 2013),
September 10-13, 2013, Cagliari, Italy
Luis Marques, Veronica Vasconcelos, Paulo Pedreiras, Luis Almeida
"Schedulability Analysis of Server-Based Error-Recovery Mechanisms for Time-Triggered Systems"
18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA' 2013),
September 10-13, 2013, Cagliari, Italy
Sinisa Derasevic, Julián Proenza, David Gessner
"Towards Dynamic Fault Tolerance on FTT-based Distributed Embedded Systems"
18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA' 2013),
September 10-13, 2013, Cagliari, Italy
Alberto Ballesteros, David Gessner, Julian Proenza, Paulo Pedreiras
"Towards Preventing Error Propagation in a Real-Time Ethernet Switch"
18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA' 2013),
September 10-13, 2013, Cagliari, Italy
Milton Cunguara, Tomas Silva and Paulo Pedreiras
"On the Application of Block Transmissions For Improving Control over Lossy Networks"
18th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technology and Factory Automation (ETFA' 2013),
September 10-13, 2013, Cagliari, Italy
Michael Costa, Arnaldo Oliveira, Paulo Pedreiras
"A RRR RedBox for Safety-Critical Networked Embedded Systems"
Proceedings of INForum - Simpósio de Informática 2013,
September 5-6, 2013, Évora, Portugal
Luis Marques, Veronica Vasconcelos, Paulo Pedreiras, Luis Almeida
"Error Recovery in Time-Triggered Communication Systems Using Servers"
8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES' 2013),
June 19-21, 2013, Oporto, Portugal
Mohammad Ashjaei, Moris Behnam, Thomas Nolte
"Performance Analysis of Master-Slave Multi-Hop Switched Ethernet Networks"
8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES' 2013),
June 19-21, 2013, Oporto, Portugal
Milton Cunguara, Tomás Oliveira e Silva, Paulo Pedreiras
"On the Control of Lossy Networks with Hold Strategy"
8th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Embedded Systems (SIES' 2013),
June 19-21, 2013, Oporto, Portugal
Aleksander Pleszko, João Barraca, Joaquim Ferreira, Pedro Gonçalves
"Multiplatform Management of a Hard Real-Time Ethernet Switch"
4th IEEE International Workshop on Management of Emerging Networks and Services (MENS' 2012),
December 3-7, 2012, California, USA
M. Ashjaei, M. Liu, M. Behnam, A. Mifdaoui, L. Almeida, T. Nolte
"Worst-Case Delay Analysis of Master-Slave Switched Ethernet Networks"
2nd International Workshop on Worst-case Traversal Time (WCTT' 2012),
December 4, 2012, San Juan, Porto Rico
Milton Armando Cunguara, Tomás Oliveira Silva, Paulo Pedreiras
"On Multi-Path Aggregation of Duplicate-Sensitive Functions"
12ª Conferência sobre Redes de Computadores (CRC' 2012),
November 15-16, 2012, Aveiro, Portugal
Milton Cunguara, Tomás Oliveira e Silva, Paulo Pedreiras
"Optimal Control in the Presence of State Uncertainty"
17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Tecnologies and Factory Automation (ETFA' 12),
September 17-21, 2012, Kraków, Poland
Julián Proenza, Manuel Barranco, Joan Llodrà, Luís Almeida
"Using FTT and stars to simplify node replication in CAN-based systems"
17th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Tecnologies and Factory Automation (ETFA' 12),
September 17-21, 2012, Kraków, Poland
Milton Cunguara, Tomás Oliveira e Silva, Paulo Pedreiras
"A Path to Oscillation Free Controller Changes"
9th IEEE International Workshop on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS' 2012),
May 21-24, 2012, Lemgo/Detmold, Germany
Rui Santos, Paulo Pedreiras, Luís Almeida
"Demonstrating an Enhanced Ethernet Switch Supporting Video Sensing with Dynamic QoS"
8th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS'12),
May 16-18, 2012, Hangzhou, China