Serv-CPS Logo
Server-based Real-Time Ethernet
Communication Architecture
for Cyber-Physical Systems
National Events

Kickoff Meeting
Aveiro, Portugal
Serv-CPS kickoff meeting featuring the following main topics:
  • Project overview, contributions and responsibilities of each partner, expected accomplishments, schedule, review of related projects
  • Settlement of the project plan
  • Presentation, by Julian Proenza, of FT mechanisms - Related project FT4Ethernet (Spanish project)
  • Presentation, by Moris Behnam of recent work on servers on the scope of FTF-SE
  • Identification of system requirements is specific domains (Electric substations / Paulo Portugal; Industrial equipments / Mario Sousa and avionics / Ahlem Mifdaoui)
Paulo Pedreiras (UA/IT), Mário Sousa (FEUP), Julian Proenza (UIB), Paulo Portugal (FEUP), Joaquim Ferreira (UA/IT), Pedro Gonçalves (UA/IT), Luis Miguel Nóbrega (UA), Luis Oliveira (FEUP), Milton Cunguara (UA), Zahid Iqbal (FEUP), Arnaldo Oliveira (UA/IT), Pedro Silva (FEUP), Ahlem Mifdaoui (ISAE), Moris Benham (MRTC), Thomas Nolte (MRTC), Ricardo Marau (FEUP), Luis Almeida (FEUP/IT)