Serv-CPS Logo
Server-based Real-Time Ethernet
Communication Architecture
for Cyber-Physical Systems
About The Project

The proposed Serv-CPS network framework includes an enhanced Ethernet switch, suitable for cyber-physical systems. The proposed enhanced switch is based on the Flexible Time-Triggered paradigm (FTT), extending a COTS Ethernet switch with real-time services and making it suitable to use in the context of networked embedded systems with tight time constraints. The FTT-Enabled switch provides :

  • Isochronous Real-Time channels
    • Time-triggered traffic with guaranteed timeliness
    • Arbitrary scheduling policies (e.g. RM, EDF)
    • Message set that can be configured statically or dinamically
    • Support of jitter and latency sensitive traffic
  • Asynchronous Real-Time channels
    • Event-triggered traffic supported by servers
    • Guaranteed bandwidth and access time (specified by budget and period)
    • Servers can be configured statically or dynamically
    • Suited to traffic with arbitrary arrival times and/or varying bandwidth
    • Provides channel isolation
  • Non-Real-Time channels
    • Provides standar COTS Ethernet switch services
Switch Architecture
Application scenario using the FTT-Enabled switch services